Heather Ikin
May 8, 2023
The perils of terminating an injured worker...
I’ve noticed a concerning trend lately and hearing about numerous cases of employees having their employment terminated or threatened...
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Heather Ikin
Jan 20, 2023
Should I stay or should I go? Knowing when to quit...
It was hard to miss yesterday’s announcement that New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, has made the decision to resign from her...
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Heather Ikin
Sep 14, 2022
Sexual harassment at work: a preventable WHS hazard
Sexual harassment is one of those issues that people don’t always talk openly about in the workplace, but it may be more common than many...
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Heather Ikin
Sep 5, 2022
Why EAP gets a bad rap and other tales of WHS mismanagement…
As a component of the work I do, I’m engaged in counselling and crisis support services through Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). I...
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